Thursday, January 28, 2010

Passing of Friends

I Like this quote I dislike this quote

“Your lost friends are not dead, but gone before, advanced a stage or two upon that road which you must travel in the steps they trod.”

I found the above quote on the internet, but there was no author listed and I thought it was appropriate for this time in my life. This past week I have lost two friends, for which saddens me to where my heart hurts! Ever had that happen?? When I think of both Don and Pete that they are gone now my eyes flood with tears. Maybe this is God’s way of reminding us/me that we are ALIVE and to LIVE our lives to the fullest that we possibly can! Reach out to your family and friends and love them and tell them you love them! Because you will miss them so much if they are gone and they will miss you when you are no longer here! We have lost friends and family members and “WISH” we had said or done more to keep in touch or to say    I Love You!

Two really wonderful men are no longer with us in our lives. However they will always be alive in our memories, our thoughts and our hearts. We all know life is short and there are no guarantees that we will still be here in a few minutes! Can you imagine, BOOM gone! Really that is where the last minute went, BOOM gone!

We are all so busy with our everyday lives that sometimes we think “Where did the time go?”, I know I have felt that way many times. I have always found that if I put something on the “calendar”, I do it, otherwise time goes by and the thoughts all seem to be passing and poof! gone!

My heart is most sadden by thought of what their families are going through this very moment. Their pain, sadness, tears and memories that they will share, this is their time to start to heal. Although the healing process is infinite or it seems so. Death of a Father, Mother, Sibling and Friend  is the most painful sickness we can suffer.

My thoughts and prayers are with these families.    God Bless… With all my Love.. Linda Swesey

Live this day as if it were your last.
The past is over and gone.
The future is not guaranteed.
Wayne Dyer

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